Thursday 27 February 2014

Top 6 studio companies

Who owns the big companies in the film industry?

Universal studios - Comcast
Warner Bros - Time Warner 
Paramount - Viacom
20th Century Fox - 21st Century Fox - Rupert Murdock 
Walt Disney - Walt Disney 
Columbia - Sony

Summary -

Having 6 big companies dominating the film industry has positives and negatives.

The 6 dominating companies gain a lot of money. This money is used as funding for future films to recreate a high quality film. The money can be spent on staff, filming equipment, locations etc. A negative of 6 companies dominating the film industry  is that it doesn't allow up-coming companies a chance as much as they would have if the film industry wasn't dominated.

 It could also allow the companies to portray their political opinions throughout their films. Would we be able to stop this due to the great success and size of the companies? The films could have hidden messages in them which we don't notice.

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