Sunday 22 June 2014


Primary research - this is when you go out and find the news yourself. This could be interviewing members of the public about a news story asking your own questions to find out information without relying on other people. This could also be questionnaires.

Secondary research - this is when you use other peoples research (using the internet, books etc). This is a lot easier but the research may be bias or incorrect.

Friday 6 June 2014

SHORT film..
Conventions -

  • sounds of waves hitting the water - sense of realism. 
  • old man shot - its like a horror film where we are looking to the side of him 
  • wooden stick in the water - we know what happens even though we don't see the shark eat the dog. - then we see the sharks pov
  • music of the shark - conventional - reminds me of super hero films or the film physco 
  • editing - conventional because i think there is nothing i didn't expect. 
format - 

  • feature film - single camera 

narrative structure 

  • lots of tension with shark 
  • i think the film isn't dragged out but it doesn't happen too soon. 
  • I feel it happened in good time
mise en scene - 

  • costume - every on the beach is wearing yellow, the barrels are yellow. everything seems to be yellow when something bad happens. This shows yellow is the colour of danger in jaws.
  • natural lighting, either lighting made to look realistic, not too sure

  • opening shot - as he gets closer, the aucestric music gets louder. 
  • as the starts to cry, the sound of the waves begin. he starts to remember making him cry more making the waves get louder. then it cuts to the beach scene. 

  • music gets louder 
  • reaches a high note, then cuts to a roaring engine of the aston martin, builds lots of tension 
  • cuts shot every second, extremely quick making it exciting for he audience
  • the sound would of been recorded after. 
  • the car is made to look majestic 
  • all sound would of been filmed separately 

  •   11

Soundtrack - Worksheet 1

There are many different ways of listening to a soundtrack. Listening on a phone is extremely different to a 5.1 surround sound system. Listening on a phone is a much lower quality, this means you won't hear some subtle sounds as clearly as you would on a surround sound. Earphones are generally a low quality of sound. Earphones are used to hear the sound but as a much lower quality, things such as dialogue will be fine. Its action scenes that require a high quality sound for all the little sound effects and sounds that have been edited. 5.1 Surround Sound is a system that has 6 speakers. They will be placed around the room (behind, in front, left, right, and diagonals) to make it sound like you're in the film. 5.1 is used in theatres and cinemas.

I watched the opening scene of Saving Private Ryan.

Most of the sound in this scene is non-digetic. I think the only sounds recorded on the day may have been the dialogue, everything else would have been added

Devising and Planning a Soundtrack

When considering sound, i think it would be necessary to consider the director, editor, sound manager, producer. They will tell the sound recorder what they want and how they want it to sound. This way the sound recorder has a high knowledge of what they should be recording. Once the sound has been recorded, the director will decide if thats what he was looking for. Once a the film is locked, the sound will be added to the film then they'll work from there seeing if it works & what they need to change etc.

Spotting - is where you mark the points in a rough cut of the film where you want your chosen soundtracks

Picture lock - is where the film is locked so the soundtracks can be added and synced.

I am using natural sound from the wheels of the skateboard and general background noise to make it calming and realistic. If the sounds don't sound right or there is something wrong i plan on downloading someones soundtrack.

I originally planned on adding soundtracks to the natural sounds but once i watched the footage back i realised that the sound was at a really good quality and there was no reason to film it separate.

Preparing for my single camera drama i considered recording my sound in the studio. I did a soundcheck using a boom mic and realised the sound in this room wasn't good at all. This is because the room is rather large. This means the sound has to travel further causing the sound to be week at a poor quality. I could try to prevent this by using the curtain as a wall, this will increase the quality. Outside the studio is the college main centre which is very loud and echoey. I tried a boom mic and a clip mic, the boom mic was a little bit better depending where you directed the microphone. I had trouble using the clip mic, the mic was very faulty as it didn't really pick up sound particularly well. Even when speaking into the mic it would barely pic it up. After realising this, i stuck with using a boom mic and a blimp. (I used headphones to listen back to the audio).


I am disappointed with my final project. I didn't manage my time properly not allowing me to spend time getting the footage i wanted. This made me rush things. It didn't help that all of my actors have days off of work/college when i have college, it made it very hard to find the time to film. Even when he booked the day off of work there was a film in our locations we wanted. The stormy weather was spread across my local town not allowing me to film anywhere else causing a massive problem. I considered changing my actor to someone else but my storyline was to do with a skateboard meaning he'd have to ride it. I tried contacting other people i know that can skateboard but we was in the same situations as before, they wasn't available. We finally found time to film but that was only 2 hours before he headed to work early in the morning. 

   As you can tell, i didn't stick to my schedule plan with my filming. I did my pre-production on time but i had to change it to fit my film. I had a script which i didn't use because i didn't film all i wanted. Once editing the clips i had, i realised i had no dialogue, i didn't have time to film anything else because i was low on time and my actor wasn't available. This made me have to record a voiceover to fit my edited clips. I re-edited my footage to fit my voiceover making a running of 1:50. 

I am extremely disappointed with this project and i will learn from this and its made me think about my planning and sticking to that plan. Although i messed things up pretty badly, i still managed to change my film and hand something in. At some points i didn't think i would even have edited because i was running out of time. 

Thursday 5 June 2014


Rob: When i wake up, i don't feel right. its almost as if I'm not myself anymore. Sometimes i think why do i even bother. Its got bad, real bad. I lost my friends, family. No one even bothers with me. The only thing i have left, is my skateboard. When i ride my skateboard, no one can control me, I'm myself. I can go where ever i want, i'll just keep rolling. Its become my best friend, maybe my only friend. i don't know . 
I can always skate, its what i do. But people don't get that, i get told to grow up, but if I'm having fun, i dont want to grow up, cos life without my skateboard, just sounds wack 
Im just known as a kid with a skateboard, just because i dont have a job, doesn't make me a bad person, does it? 
I spend most of my time outside now, its becoming my home, sometimes i just stay out until midnight, sitting there thinking, i want to be happy, i want to change, but i like the way i am, so should i? i dont really know what i want anymore if I'm honest. I just want to be happy being me 
most people have become my enemies, i dont even know most of them, its like I'm beginning to hate the human race, i just need to be accepted, i think the world is disgusting. people are hating me, threatening me, making my life hell when there is someone out there who has got it a lot worse, i have food, I'm surviving, and thats what keeps me going. I want to help other people, people who are living on the bread line, but when i try, i get told to help myself first. 
The people telling me, are the ones that have never helped me, maybe the worlds just becoming a lot more selfish, maybe if more people were to help other people, the world would be a better place. 

But, you know what they say, "what goes around, comes around" 

Sam tech

Year 1 -  The media department only have one should support rigs. We currently have one should rig and it works rather well and is currently on sale from £199.99 to £59.99. Getting them now will be an advantage because its currently on sale saving £140. As we also have a lot of equipment which would work on this rigs. Buying 5 of these will come to £299.95. I think this is a good product for the price. We have 10 DSLR's so having 6 rigs will be a good amount for the camera we have.

Year 2 - We currently have 3 Go Pro camera's. We have the mounts but once you attach them to something you can't take them off. So i think having head traps we will very efficient and it will allow people to use to their advantage and film extreme sports or even if its just for someones POV. I only cost £8.99. Considering we have 3 Go Pros, having 3 head straps will be the right amount. This will cost a total of £26.97. I believe this is very cheep considering the amount of stuff you can achieve with this product. 

Year 3 -