Thursday 5 June 2014


Rob: When i wake up, i don't feel right. its almost as if I'm not myself anymore. Sometimes i think why do i even bother. Its got bad, real bad. I lost my friends, family. No one even bothers with me. The only thing i have left, is my skateboard. When i ride my skateboard, no one can control me, I'm myself. I can go where ever i want, i'll just keep rolling. Its become my best friend, maybe my only friend. i don't know . 
I can always skate, its what i do. But people don't get that, i get told to grow up, but if I'm having fun, i dont want to grow up, cos life without my skateboard, just sounds wack 
Im just known as a kid with a skateboard, just because i dont have a job, doesn't make me a bad person, does it? 
I spend most of my time outside now, its becoming my home, sometimes i just stay out until midnight, sitting there thinking, i want to be happy, i want to change, but i like the way i am, so should i? i dont really know what i want anymore if I'm honest. I just want to be happy being me 
most people have become my enemies, i dont even know most of them, its like I'm beginning to hate the human race, i just need to be accepted, i think the world is disgusting. people are hating me, threatening me, making my life hell when there is someone out there who has got it a lot worse, i have food, I'm surviving, and thats what keeps me going. I want to help other people, people who are living on the bread line, but when i try, i get told to help myself first. 
The people telling me, are the ones that have never helped me, maybe the worlds just becoming a lot more selfish, maybe if more people were to help other people, the world would be a better place. 

But, you know what they say, "what goes around, comes around" 

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