Thursday 26 September 2013

Log lines 26/SEPT/13

What is a log-line?: 

A log-line is a short description of a film/TV series. Log-lines are roughly 30 words long. The purpose of a log-line is to inform the audience of a brief outline of the film. Log-lines are very important. This will be the first thing the audience read before watching the film. It can make a boring film sound very exciting. It can also make a fantastic film sound very boring. Many writers have said that writing a log-line can be the most important 30 words they will write for a film.

A log-line for the film "Se7en":

Two detectives attempt to hunt down a serial killer who is using the seven deadly sins in a way you'd never expect.

Copyright: soundtrack, titles, location, logo's, somebody else's footage etc

Log-line template: 

"On the verge of (insert bad thing here), a (flawed hero) has (big thing happens) and (story set-up). But when (story middle happens) he/she must learn (theme of your movie) before (the awful thing that will happen if they fail)" -Blake Snyder

Log-line for "Se7en" using this template: 

On the verge of a psychopath achieving his mission, a rookie and a veteran detective attempt to hunt down the serial killer. But when the maniac uses the seven deadly sins to create his "art", Mills and Somerset must learn his ways before seven innocent die.

What did i think of the Blake Snyder template?

I thought this template was extremely useful and impressive. At first i didn't believe it would work for most genre's, but after testing it i found out i was wrong. I will continue to use this log-line template in future projects.

"Hidden Happiness"- Treatment

Hidden Happiness treatment. 

Estimated time: ten minutes.


Main character, Main characters partner, number of people the main character helps is not et decided. (maybe 3-6).


The main character is a miserable middle aged man. The inspiration behind this character is "Scrooge". He decides to go to the shop. He expected his trip to last 2-3 minutes. On his way lots of people need help. The main character very rarely helps anyone. He isn't social and is mostly miserable. But this time he decides to help someone. After he has helped someone he starts to feel good about himself. More and more situations happen and the main character starts to realise he enjoys helping people. After he has helped lots of people that need help, he decides to help people that don't need help. He starts to walk around happy and smiling. He returns home with a smile on his face for the first time in a while. His partner realises his smiling and smiles herself. The message to "Hidden Happiness" is " Helping people doesn't only make other people happy, it makes yourself happy". This message creates a heart warming effect.

Estimated cost: £5

My budget will be very low. This is because South Essex College are providing me with the equipment i would like. They are providing me with the camera and the camera equipment (tri-pod, polly etc).

What is an estimated budget? The budget needs to be realistic. I need to use real examples of equipment  hire and other costs when developing your budget. South Essex College are providing me with camera tapes. Camera tapes cost £2.50 each. I plan on using two tapes. Actors will be bringing/ buying their own food. If actors have clothes similar to the style i'm looking for, they will bring them in. If needed, a visit to the charity will take place. The estimated cost will be £5


I will be the director. Actors for this film will either be people from my group, or if anyone will volunteer from the drama/ performing arts department, they will participate in the production. If we decide to have a voice over, the actors will be doing this.

Production staff:

I will be the director. I will need a camera man and actors.


To avoid any weather problems i will choose a day where the local weather predicts a cloudy day. To insure i can film, i'm taking two camera tapes. This will insure i have enough tape. It also covers the other tape braking. I will request to hire 2 camera's incase one brakes or has some technical problems. If one of my actors aren't able to reach the location on the day of filming, i will shoot the scenes where it only involves the character that is there. 

Writing a treatment.

The treatment is the development of your idea from the proposal. It should include: 

  • An indication of the size and content of the product.
  • An initial script/storyline. 
  • An estimated cost of the production. 
  • An idea of the personnel involved in the project.
  • A contingency plan-back up plan.
  • Any research carried out for the production. 

This is a short opening paragraph that summarises the original proposal and the approach that you will take to develop the idea. Use this opening section to sell your idea. 

Outline script: to understand what resources you may need and the timeline of your work, a outline script is needed. 

Outline budget: 

What is an estimated budget? The budget needs to be realistic. I need to use real examples of equipment  hire and other costs when developing your budget. 


Who is doing what?  e.g film-acting, voice-over, presenting. This will give the client a clear understanding how your film and who is going to be involved. 

Production staff:

 Who's working on the project-breakdown of crew. 


How can i prevent something from going wrong. if something goes wrong, whats the back up plan? 

Explanation of a proposal.

What goes into a proposal?

  • Purpose- to sell the idea. 
  • Its used to gain funding.
  • Outlines the idea (concept).
  • Language needs to be formal and make the film sound exciting and effective. 
  • Needs to be achievable. (cost, number of actors etc). 
What do i need to put in a proposal? 

  • Name, contacts and company name.
  • A working title for the project.
  • The intended audience. 
  • A brief explanation of the concept.
  • A brief description of the main sequences and characters. 
  • Names of any other major creative participants in the project. 
  • Any major technical or stylistic considerations (e.g particular visual special effects, how will sound be employed? etc). 

Explanation of acts. (1,2,3)

Act one: Setting up of the characters, what the characters wants to achieve and establishing the location.

Act two: Conflict- what is preventing the character from achieve what he wants.

Act three: The resolution. Did he succeed?

Short film idea proposal

Sid Randall 
Randall Productions 
South Essex College Luker Road Southend-on-Sea SS1 1ND
United Kingdom

My short film idea is called "Hidden Happiness". The location is in a busy high street. The intended audience is middle aged males who aren't happy with their life in the present day. The main character is representing the intended audience. The main character is an unhappy male who isn't very social. All the main character wants to do is go to the shop for a loaf of bread. On his expected 10 minute journey, he helps lots of people. This causes his journey to take a lot longer than expected. During his walk, lots of people need help. The main character ends helping lots of people which makes him feel happy. The message to the short film is "Helping others doesn't only make other people feel better/happy, its makes you feel happy with yourself". The resolution is that the main character finds happiness by helping others.

 I will be working with the production of South Essex College. They will be providing the equipment i will use. The films purpose is to "warm the audiences hearts". The films main purpose is to be short and effective. The message needs to be simple but effective. 

Thursday 19 September 2013

"A fish out of water" summary.

To summarise, this project was very interesting. I found creating the idea very fun and useful. I found it useful because we worked in a group of 3 sharing each others ideas. Using the "fish out of water" technique was extremely useful. I had never heard of this term before but i will continue to use this technique. "A fish out of water" means putting someone in a position where they're out of the comfort zone or a place the audience wouldn't expect them to be.

The film "The men who stay at goats" inspired me to create a film about hippies joining the army force. I then thought of the idea to make him an irish stereotype. I took inspiration from "The men who stare at goats" poster. I used the layout/format of the main image in the centre of the screen. 

My inspiration from "Happy Gilmore" was in the story line. I thought that i would have an aggressive man in a place he wouldn't normally be. 

I was very happy with my poster. I thought it turned out very well. I liked our choice of font, text, tagline, title and our setting. I thought it was very creative and relevant.  

Horror Script. (unfinished)

 Horror script.

Idea 1
Location- Texas
Time period-: Modern Day (2000’s)
Time- 6:00pm
Season: winter
Weather: Cold, wet, windy.
Jacob: Cop
Jen: victim
Brian: Vicar

The idea is based around one zombie spreading his disease. The zombie attacks a vampire causing a zombie vampire. Due to the fact the vampire is a zombie, he doesn’t think what his doing. He just wants food. Therefore, he attacks Texas attempting to eat and spread his disease. Jacob realises the situation by finding dead people (Jen) in the environment. Citizens of Texas all end up in the church preying to God for help. They realise the only thing left to do is to go to war. The situation gets so out of hand that USA consider nuclear warfare. Everyone is equated and the nuke is detonated. This only makes the matter worse. The camera tilts up to find 1000’s of cloned zombie vampires. The credits role.


INT- Camera rises into a police station. People are walking around like a normal days work.

EXT- Jacob walks out to his police car and patrols Texas.

Police radio: We have a situation in East Board Street.

Jacob: I’ve got it.

Jacob acts relaxed and slowly pulls away in his police car.

Jacob: So, what are we dealing with here? Jacob drives his way to a local fast food store. he turns up his music and and turns off his police radio. 

Police man on the radio: Jacob do you copy? Do you copy? 

Jacob sings along while cruising down the road. 

Scene cuts to Jacob in his car eating his food. he turns on his police radio. 

Police radio: do you copy? 

Jacob: yeah, my connection went out, sorry about that. 

Police: really, your radio went off again? Thats the 3rd time this week. 

Jacob smirks to himself. 

Jacob: Yeah, i need a new radio. This ones junk! 

Police radio: anyway, are you at the scene? 

jacob: 5 minutes away boss. 

Police radio: yeah, well just get to the scene. 

scene cuts to Jacob driving away down the road. 

INT- Jacob: So whats the situation? 

Police radio: We’re not sure.

Jacob: What do you mean you don’t know?

Police radio: We had a woman call up. She said there was some sort of attack; she also urged to send police.

Jacob: Probably just a little fight we wont be able to anything about.

Police radio: She didn’t sound it. You best hurry up.

Jacob: yeah yeah, I’m on it.

Jacob turns on his sirens looking fed up.

Jacob arrives at the scene. He slowly steps out the car to find no scene.

EXT- He slowly looks around for a crime scene. He doesn’t see anything. As he turns around an old woman is behind him smiling.

Jacob: can I help you mam?

Old woman: I phoned the police.

Jacob: Oh, thank you mam. What’s the situation?

Old woman: I saw this is weird thing in the air, and then a loud screak.

Jacob: Can you describe what you saw and where it sounded like it was from?

Old woman: No, but I thought it came from behind the shack over there.

Old woman points towards the shack and Jacob looks towards it.

Jacob: sorry mam, I didn’t get your name.

Old woman: its Brenda.

Jacob: Thanks mam, if you’d like to go inside, feel free. Thank you for your time.

Old woman (Brenda): All a pleasure.

Jacob walks towards the shack. He can’t see anything.


There’s slight breathing sound. Jacob slowly walks towards to back of the shack. 

The sound gets louder and louder until Jacob see’s a victim.

Jacob: mother of God!

Jacob looks in disgust.

Jacob: we need an ambulance, an f*****g ambulance right now!