Thursday 26 September 2013

Log lines 26/SEPT/13

What is a log-line?: 

A log-line is a short description of a film/TV series. Log-lines are roughly 30 words long. The purpose of a log-line is to inform the audience of a brief outline of the film. Log-lines are very important. This will be the first thing the audience read before watching the film. It can make a boring film sound very exciting. It can also make a fantastic film sound very boring. Many writers have said that writing a log-line can be the most important 30 words they will write for a film.

A log-line for the film "Se7en":

Two detectives attempt to hunt down a serial killer who is using the seven deadly sins in a way you'd never expect.

Copyright: soundtrack, titles, location, logo's, somebody else's footage etc

Log-line template: 

"On the verge of (insert bad thing here), a (flawed hero) has (big thing happens) and (story set-up). But when (story middle happens) he/she must learn (theme of your movie) before (the awful thing that will happen if they fail)" -Blake Snyder

Log-line for "Se7en" using this template: 

On the verge of a psychopath achieving his mission, a rookie and a veteran detective attempt to hunt down the serial killer. But when the maniac uses the seven deadly sins to create his "art", Mills and Somerset must learn his ways before seven innocent die.

What did i think of the Blake Snyder template?

I thought this template was extremely useful and impressive. At first i didn't believe it would work for most genre's, but after testing it i found out i was wrong. I will continue to use this log-line template in future projects.

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