Thursday 26 September 2013

"Hidden Happiness"- Treatment

Hidden Happiness treatment. 

Estimated time: ten minutes.


Main character, Main characters partner, number of people the main character helps is not et decided. (maybe 3-6).


The main character is a miserable middle aged man. The inspiration behind this character is "Scrooge". He decides to go to the shop. He expected his trip to last 2-3 minutes. On his way lots of people need help. The main character very rarely helps anyone. He isn't social and is mostly miserable. But this time he decides to help someone. After he has helped someone he starts to feel good about himself. More and more situations happen and the main character starts to realise he enjoys helping people. After he has helped lots of people that need help, he decides to help people that don't need help. He starts to walk around happy and smiling. He returns home with a smile on his face for the first time in a while. His partner realises his smiling and smiles herself. The message to "Hidden Happiness" is " Helping people doesn't only make other people happy, it makes yourself happy". This message creates a heart warming effect.

Estimated cost: £5

My budget will be very low. This is because South Essex College are providing me with the equipment i would like. They are providing me with the camera and the camera equipment (tri-pod, polly etc).

What is an estimated budget? The budget needs to be realistic. I need to use real examples of equipment  hire and other costs when developing your budget. South Essex College are providing me with camera tapes. Camera tapes cost £2.50 each. I plan on using two tapes. Actors will be bringing/ buying their own food. If actors have clothes similar to the style i'm looking for, they will bring them in. If needed, a visit to the charity will take place. The estimated cost will be £5


I will be the director. Actors for this film will either be people from my group, or if anyone will volunteer from the drama/ performing arts department, they will participate in the production. If we decide to have a voice over, the actors will be doing this.

Production staff:

I will be the director. I will need a camera man and actors.


To avoid any weather problems i will choose a day where the local weather predicts a cloudy day. To insure i can film, i'm taking two camera tapes. This will insure i have enough tape. It also covers the other tape braking. I will request to hire 2 camera's incase one brakes or has some technical problems. If one of my actors aren't able to reach the location on the day of filming, i will shoot the scenes where it only involves the character that is there. 

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