Thursday 19 September 2013

Horror Script. (unfinished)

 Horror script.

Idea 1
Location- Texas
Time period-: Modern Day (2000’s)
Time- 6:00pm
Season: winter
Weather: Cold, wet, windy.
Jacob: Cop
Jen: victim
Brian: Vicar

The idea is based around one zombie spreading his disease. The zombie attacks a vampire causing a zombie vampire. Due to the fact the vampire is a zombie, he doesn’t think what his doing. He just wants food. Therefore, he attacks Texas attempting to eat and spread his disease. Jacob realises the situation by finding dead people (Jen) in the environment. Citizens of Texas all end up in the church preying to God for help. They realise the only thing left to do is to go to war. The situation gets so out of hand that USA consider nuclear warfare. Everyone is equated and the nuke is detonated. This only makes the matter worse. The camera tilts up to find 1000’s of cloned zombie vampires. The credits role.


INT- Camera rises into a police station. People are walking around like a normal days work.

EXT- Jacob walks out to his police car and patrols Texas.

Police radio: We have a situation in East Board Street.

Jacob: I’ve got it.

Jacob acts relaxed and slowly pulls away in his police car.

Jacob: So, what are we dealing with here? Jacob drives his way to a local fast food store. he turns up his music and and turns off his police radio. 

Police man on the radio: Jacob do you copy? Do you copy? 

Jacob sings along while cruising down the road. 

Scene cuts to Jacob in his car eating his food. he turns on his police radio. 

Police radio: do you copy? 

Jacob: yeah, my connection went out, sorry about that. 

Police: really, your radio went off again? Thats the 3rd time this week. 

Jacob smirks to himself. 

Jacob: Yeah, i need a new radio. This ones junk! 

Police radio: anyway, are you at the scene? 

jacob: 5 minutes away boss. 

Police radio: yeah, well just get to the scene. 

scene cuts to Jacob driving away down the road. 

INT- Jacob: So whats the situation? 

Police radio: We’re not sure.

Jacob: What do you mean you don’t know?

Police radio: We had a woman call up. She said there was some sort of attack; she also urged to send police.

Jacob: Probably just a little fight we wont be able to anything about.

Police radio: She didn’t sound it. You best hurry up.

Jacob: yeah yeah, I’m on it.

Jacob turns on his sirens looking fed up.

Jacob arrives at the scene. He slowly steps out the car to find no scene.

EXT- He slowly looks around for a crime scene. He doesn’t see anything. As he turns around an old woman is behind him smiling.

Jacob: can I help you mam?

Old woman: I phoned the police.

Jacob: Oh, thank you mam. What’s the situation?

Old woman: I saw this is weird thing in the air, and then a loud screak.

Jacob: Can you describe what you saw and where it sounded like it was from?

Old woman: No, but I thought it came from behind the shack over there.

Old woman points towards the shack and Jacob looks towards it.

Jacob: sorry mam, I didn’t get your name.

Old woman: its Brenda.

Jacob: Thanks mam, if you’d like to go inside, feel free. Thank you for your time.

Old woman (Brenda): All a pleasure.

Jacob walks towards the shack. He can’t see anything.


There’s slight breathing sound. Jacob slowly walks towards to back of the shack. 

The sound gets louder and louder until Jacob see’s a victim.

Jacob: mother of God!

Jacob looks in disgust.

Jacob: we need an ambulance, an f*****g ambulance right now!

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