An estimated cost of this production is £20. This money will be for food and public transport. All the equipment will be provided from South Essex College for free.
I will be director, producer, filming, editing. My friend Robert Cooper will be acting. It will just be me and my actor on Monday 2nd December 2013. All filming will done on this day. If not, the next day will be used for extra filming.
Myself- directing, producing, editing, production manager, script writer, casting director, location scout, location manager.
Robert Cooper - Actor.
I don't have a specific weather condition. As long as its film-able weather. This means that i wouldn't be able to film in snow, extreme winds or heavy winds. Even if it was wet outside i would still be filming. If my actor falls sick i will see if anyone else is available to attend. If not, filming will be done the next day possible.
Outline script- my music video idea was about a young student gets up to go skateboard. This was designed to target 15-25 year olds. I targeted a young audience because skateboarding is becoming quite popular within the younger generation. The video is purely for entertainment purposes. The music video will start at the characters house. He makes himself a cup of tea, puts a wheel on his skateboard and heads to the streets. His journey begins. Rob then skateboards through the streets until he reaches his location. He then practices on the hill. After practicing, he heads towards the sea front for a relaxing cruise. The final shot is Rob looking out to the River Thames on the beach. This shot is a silhouette shot. It then fades to black with the title fading into the shot then out of the shot.
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