Thursday 21 November 2013

Sea World Edit Evaluation

This was my first editing experience. I learnt how to use Final Cut Pro is a basic way. I learnt how to use shortcuts such as the mark in and mark out (I & O), pause, play forward, play back (l,k,j), move one frame forward (right arrow) and the one frame backwards (left arrow) etc.

I also learnt how to use effects in the appropriate way. I used the Cross Dissolve effect at the beginning or end of a click. I chose to use this because without the effect it looked very snappy and sharp. But when i used the effect it flowed more with the music and looked more like a documentary not a bunch of clips put together. I also used the Cross Dissolve effect on my text at the end of the edit. The music flowed very well with this effect.

I used markers using the M key once i decided what music to use in the edit. I marked when the beat changed. This meant that when i was editing clips i would edit to the beat of the song. This way the clip changes when the beat changes. This is always used in music videos. This makes the visuals and sound sync making a more enjoyable experience for the audience.

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