Thursday 23 January 2014

Research - Sam 23/1/14

How can you research?

  • Internet - one of many. 
  • Books
  • Primary data
  • Secondary data 
  • Interviews
  • Questionnaires 
  • Facts and statistics 
  • Surveys 
  • Newspapers
  • Undercover/ convert observations 
  • Word of mouth
  • social media 
  • Films/documentaries 
  • Focus groups
  • qualitative & quantitative (facts and statistics) + ( opinions &interviews etc)
You can use the Internet to search your topic to find different websites containing different sources and views. This isn't very promising because websites are generally biased.

Interviews, questionnaires, facts and statistics are a lot more 

What information might a researcher going to need?

What is the situation and what is happening? What is the highest wage etc?
When did it begin to happen? Comparing to 1960's when it was low wage
Where is it taking place? countries etc.
Who is effected by it? Who is causing it? Who can stop it? FA cap, un-fair compared to doctors etc.
Why is this happening?

Why might they conduct research?(How to research it)
Speaking to the public, this could include interviews, surveys and even social media. This shows other peoples opinions and it is less biased. If people watch people on the news giving their views it is more likely to come across a lot more factual. This is because if people actually state their views then it becomes more of an reality for the audience.

What would a research need to consider? 
An unbiased view, this could be shown through both views of the public (interviews).

Market research - what other programmes are aimed at your audience. You can use things from the other shows.

Production research - what do other programmes use? Set design, camera shot, etc. 

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