Thursday 3 October 2013

Sams Lesson 3/10/13 Week 4 (Recces)

Location Recces:

What is in the location? What could cause a problem? weather etc.

Some of the most important factors are: 

Camera: Pictures will need to be taken on the site. Travelling to different locations will cause you to forget what the location looks like. Most mobile phones have good camera's.

Notebook & pen: Taking a notebook and some pens will be useful because if there is anything you need to note, you can easily do so. Especially when travelling to different locations, the chances of you remembering are very low.

Maps/directions: If you're in an unfamiliar location, you aren't going to know where you're going. Maps & directions are going to be very important.

Brief: If owners of land want to know what your film is about incase its being negative about their land. The brief will allow the owner to understand what you're filming and why you want to film it here.

Checklist: This is needed because you need to check you have everything before you start.

Confirm ownership: Confirmation to film on land is extremely important because if you're not allowed, you wont be able to publish your film.

Local events: Checking if local events are taking place is very important. If you plan to film on a day and there is a festival or market etc, your film isn't going to be like you planned. This changes the scenery, sound and message.

Copyright issues: Checking anything you do in your film is extremely important. If you was to be copyrighted it could cost you a lot of money.

Toilets: You need to check if there are any local toilets. If you're going to be filming for a large amount of time, your actors and crew will need to go to the toilet. This could be a huge problem if you haven't checked.

Shelter: If there is a chance of extreme weather conditions, getting your cast and crew to safety is very important.

Tidal waters: If the location is tidal waters and you want the tide to be in when you're shooting, making a note of the time the tide is in is important. If the tide is either in/out it could completely change the scene.

Position of the sun: If the sun is in the wrong place you don't want it to be, then you may have problems with the camera. You might have a white glare on the camera or a blacked out actor you wont be able to film.

TV/computer screens: If anything is on the screen it may affect the lighting. It can also affect the time of the scene. 

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